A car air conditioner is a modern car climate system that is responsible for both air cooling and heating and ventilation of the car interior. When it rains, the air conditioner is useful as a dehumidifier for foggy car windows.
This system has a bunch of pipes, connecting rings, an air conditioning radiator and a compressor to which oil is added.
The easiest way to evaluate the efficiency of a car air conditioner is to measure the air temperature in the cabin using a conventional thermometer with the engine running and the climate system cooling mode turned on at maximum. The temperature of the air supplied to the cabin from the ventilation system should be approximately 41℉
You also need to pay attention to your car's air conditioning because of health safety reasons. The less often the system is cleaned, the more bacteria and contaminants accumulate in it. In addition to the fact that the air becomes musty, the likelihood of respiratory tract diseases increases.
We recommend turning on your car's air conditioning for a few minutes once a month, as the system contains oil designed to lubricate the air conditioning parts. When turned on, it is redistributed throughout the system, providing a lubricating effect.
This will help keep the system in working order and increase its service life.
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The brake pad is possibly getting stuck because the caliper piston is damaged and canrsquot release ...
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Below you can find information about other fixes