
DVI Process Training

The DVI Process Training for Service Advisors focuses on best practices increasing the Approval Rate significantly

Why DVI Training Helps Service Advisors to Up Their Game

The Top Three declined jobs are

  1. Replace Engine/Cabin Air Filter 
  2. Alignment
  3. Fluid Exchanges (Oil, Coolant, Brake Fluid etc.)

Service Advisors, on average, close less than 20% of recommended services in these three categories. Success starts with the number of customers who open and research the DVI results. Too often, that number is less than 45%. 

Why put all the work in when less than half of your customers see the DVI results?

This DVI Process Training focuses on the Five transparency gaps that lower the Service Advisor’s effectiveness. Whether it is vehicle drop-off, estimate approval or vehicle pick-up, the DVI Process helps you improve approval and retention rates.

How To Register Attendees

The DVI Process training is conducted in six 45-minute online sessions. The training is conducted via Zoom calls with a maximum of 10 attendees. The first session is for the DVI Process Owner (business owners, general managers, or location managers) to 

  1. Confirm the process changes proposed
  2. Know the KPIs used to measure the success of the training
  3. Know the tool(s) used to track the KPIs

The subsequent five sessions are dedicated to roleplay with attending service advisors. The role plays are designed to build muscle memory for immediate use in the shop during the training. The scope reaches from vehicle drop-off to vehicle pick-up. To measure success, KPIs are tracked starting at the first training session for the service advisors.

Two tracks are offered one day apart so businesses can send more than one service advisor. This ensures that all service advisors, no matter what track they attend, finish the training in the same week, with only one service advisor absent from work in the shop for 45 minutes per week.

In other words, businesses with more than one service advisor per shop location should register attendees in both tracks. For example, if the location registers two service advisors for the training, the first is registered for track 1 and the other for track 2.

If you are the DVI Process Owner, please use the following links to register your attendees.

DVI Process Training Track 5 (Starting July 24)

DVI Process Training Track 6 (Starting July 25)

If you have any questions or want our trainers to conduct the training specific to your business and DVI tool with no other business attending, please click here to send your request.